Линус Торвальдс одобрил добавление драйвера NTFSv3 от Paragon Software в ядро Linux, которое в отличии от ntfs-3g умеет работать в режиме read-write (старый драйвер мог работать только в режиме чтения). Разработчики из Paragon пообещали в дальнейшем продолжить поддержку.
This patch adds NTFS Read-Write driver to fs/ntfs3. Having decades of expertise in commercial file systems development and huge test coverage, we at Paragon Software GmbH want to make our contribution to the Open Source Community by providing implementation of NTFS Read-Write driver for the Linux Kernel. This is fully functional NTFS Read-Write driver. Current version works with NTFS (including v3.1) and normal/compressed/sparse files and supports journal replaying. We plan to support this version after the codebase once merged, and add new features and fix bugs. For example, full journaling support over JBD will be added in later updates
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